
Architecture / January 2010

February 2010 | December 2009
    • Primo Surpremo: architectural justice?
      • Opened this week with princely aplomb, the symbol of New Zealand’s self-sufficient justice system, ironically begins its life with Royal approval. The local architectural opinions though have not been so benevolent towards this Primo Supremo architecture … but - as I heard from one friend the other day - WaM are big enough and ugly enough to take a bit of criticism … so let’s start with the crowning glory of the building - that hulking bit of welded bronze trying hard - but not succeeding - to be a pohutakawa-ish screen.
      • Tagged as:
      • architecture
      • 85 Lambton Quay, Wellington

    • Scaffold’s Off
      • Hooray, the Dominion Post is finally taking an interest in architecture! Well Done to their photographer Kent Blechynden with his page 3 photo, a full frontal spread of the boys from PyraDeck striking the scaffolding on part of the Sodo apartments.
      • Tagged as:
      • architecture

    • S William Toomath
      • Opening 28 January at the City Gallery will be an exhibition on the long and distinguished career of Wellington architect S William Toomath. The exhibition, Liberating Everyday Life, will provide an overview of Bill Toomath’s work over the many years he has been around. An early member of the Architectural Centre, still an active member, and [...]
      • Tagged as:
      • architecture
      • exhibitions

    • Big Willy in Town
      • We’re back in business. How could we not be – today of all days. There are so many things that we could discuss – a Whale on the loose, a Dolphin run amok, a Basset feeding kittens, horrific tales of woe from the mess that is Haiti, a right royal Willy shaking hands, a Cockatoo with a cock or too, and a Fish on the comeback trail. But most of all, a giant bronze Crayfish cage plonked down on Lambton Quay, with a pinecone stuck inside. Oh, there is too much irony in the world to waste time with platitudes – knives and forks ready – let’s get stuck in.
      • Tagged as:
      • prince-william-visit


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