
Architecture / October 2008

November 2008 | September 2008
    • Athfield rolling on
      • If you’re an architect or architectural groupie in Wellington, waking up this morning with a hangover, then you must have been at Athfield’s party last night. By all accounts, it was a “ripper of a night” and a great time was had, drunk and eaten by all.
      • Tagged as:
      • architecture

    • Coffee you Feel !
      • Yes, that’s right - Havana Coffee, home to some of the best roasted beans and some of the choicest cuts of real estate too. The guys at Havana seem to have a handle on all their senses: a feel for what makes a great bar, a good eye for catchy graphics, a fine nose for roasting, and an ear out for some choice sites. Here’s three that we know of. First up is the original, the former roasting shop in Wigan St, composed of two little dwellings that are now home to a good bar.
      • Tagged as:
      • architecture
      • restaurants-and-bars
      • coffee
      • Wigan Street, Wellington

    • Whats happening on Holland?
      • Down here on Holland St, construction is definitely nothing new. Of late we’ve seen the Century City development starting to shape up, as well as the smaller additions of the oh-so-contemporary product spec office and the always-vibrant fuel expresso HQ. I had assumed that the construction site present on the first floor of the ‘zebra hostel’ was just simple renovation or the like; but the additon of an interesting catipillar-like lighting trail has picqued both my curiosity and expectations.
      • Tagged as:
      • architecture
      • Holland Street, Wellington

    • Design for the sun
      • Following on from the previous post, where we had observed how good Wellington can get on a nice day (not so good today, unfortunately), there were a few photos left over that we just had to use. There seems to be a few simple principles at work here for successful public space design in general, but throughout the waterfront especially.
      • Tagged as:
      • architecture
      • waterfront


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