Wellington VHF Group / May 2010
The Wellington VHF Group is a club established to promote and encourage an interest in and generally to assist in the development of the science of Amateur and experimental radio. It provides the opportunity for like-minded individuals to pursue an interesting hobby, and to share aspirations, knowledge, experience, and fellowship.
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- communitygroups
WVHFG Webmaster Moves Northward
- Wellington VHF Group
- At the April meeting of WVHFG, Mark Foster ZL1VMF advised the meeting that due to a change in working circumstances, he would be relocating (back) to Auckland.
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- amateur-radio
May General Meeting - TONIGHT
- Wellington VHF Group
- Tonight's meeting of the Wellington VHF Group will be a mix of NZART AGM Remit discussion and voting, and a general Show-and-Tell. Bring along your latest project, whatever its condition, i'm sure it'll generate some discussion! 7.30pm at the usual venue in Tawa.
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- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
VHF Convention 2011 in Wellington
- Wellington VHF Group
- The organising committee of the Easter 2011 VHF Convention has been announced and have started work already.
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- amateur-radio
Remit Voting for 2010 NZART Conference
- Wellington VHF Group
- At the May General meeting the Group voted on the remits for NZART Conference in June. The results are: Remit 1: For Remit 2: Against Remit 3: For Remit 4: For Remit 5: Against Remit 6: For Vote on NZART President's Entry Level Licence Question (part of remit 4): Against The delegates were given discretion. ZL2TVM and ZL2HD were appointed as delegates.
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- amateur-radio
Show and Tell at the May Meeting
- Wellington VHF Group
- The May meeting followed up the formal business with a Show and Tell. We had six speakers and two new guests introduced themselves- they have migrated to Wellington with their SAR search dogs, cats and radio gear from Finland. Previously they had worked for a small Finnish company called Nokia! (My apologies on not having the names or calls yet) read more
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- amateur-radio
Gavin ZL2TVM New Life Member of VHF Group
- Wellington VHF Group
- At the May 2010 meeting of the Group, Gavin ZL2TVM was elected as a Life Member for his outstanding and long service to the Group.
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- amateur-radio
Spotted in the News: AREC in Action
- Wellington VHF Group
- An article about a Search and Rescue caught my eye in todays Dominion Post.
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- amateur-radio
Search and Rescue Exercise in the Tararuas
- Wellington VHF Group
- As previously noted a major Police Search and Rescue Exercise was held on the Weekend 16-18 April in the Tararuas. Wellington VHF Group AREC provided communications for this event - a major in the LandSAR training programme - with the SAREX Base located in Kaitoke, Upper Hutt. View in a larger map. SAREX Base location at Flag (approx). SAREX Area (also approx) shown in green. read more
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- amateur-radio
Wellington VHF Group joins Twitter!
- Wellington VHF Group
- Wellington VHF group can now be found on Twitter! For those unaware, Twitter is a piece of online technology known as 'Microblogging'.
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- amateur-radio
April General Meeting: 4RF's latest developments
- Wellington VHF Group
- The April General Meeting of the Wellington VHF Group was held on Thursday 29 April at our usual venue, the Tawa Community Centre. On the conclusion of general business and the official part of the meeting, John Yaldwyn ZL4JY, Chief Technology Officer of 4RF and long time member of the Wellington VHF Group, gave an interesting presentation on the latest innovation from 4RF. read more
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- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Training & exam materials hit the mark
- Wellington VHF Group
- A recent Amateur Radio Training Course run by the Tauranga Emergency Communications Group Inc.
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- amateur-radio