Wellington VHF Group / July 2008
The Wellington VHF Group is a club established to promote and encourage an interest in and generally to assist in the development of the science of Amateur and experimental radio. It provides the opportunity for like-minded individuals to pursue an interesting hobby, and to share aspirations, knowledge, experience, and fellowship.
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- amateurradio
- communitygroups
BRANCH MEETING Thursday 31st July
- Wellington VHF Group
- EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT HIGH DEFINITION TV Doug Ingham ZL2TAR, well known broadcast engineer, speaker and author, will inform and entertain on the subject of High Definition TV. Don’t race out and buy any HDTV gear until you’ve heard Doug’s presentation.
- Tagged as:
- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
SAREX Makara South Coast Exercise July 26-27 2008
- Wellington VHF Group
- This was a weekend SAREX designed to test comms on the South Coast, as well as the ability of the teams to handle the conditions! And with the "10 Year Storm" going on, it was a test. A lot of work had gone in over the week before to get the new cross band repeaters built, as you would have read in Q-Bit. These were installed on Mt Misery on the Saturday morning. The base was set up and the teams dispatched. We did a HF radio test with a Pulsar, and learnt a few things about getting wet. read more
- Tagged as:
- makara
Makara, Wellington
Website Tweaks and Fixes
- Wellington VHF Group
- G'day everyone, A quick note to point out a couple of changes to the website. Firstly, can advise that the Wellington VHF Group position paper on is now available for download. This was missing for a while, and was redirecting people back to the front page. We invite your comments on this document. Also it may have been noticed that the menu structure in the left hand frame of this website has shrunk. As we've been populating the site with more and more static content, it became necessary to activate the 'collapse' option on the menu items - they're still there, you just need to click on the appropriate category and the list of sub-options will appear. read more
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- amateur-radio
Landslide Victory - Pylon Access Track Open
- Wellington VHF Group
- The slip on the pylon access track has been cleared. After walking in it took ZL3TC and ZL2BRF approximately 4 hours to remove enough of the slip for a 4WD line service vehicle to get past. The slip before and after clearing can be seen in the two pictures below. Before... read more
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- amateur-radio
SAREX 26/27 July 2008
- Wellington VHF Group
- There is an overnight SAR exercise being planned for the weekend of 26/27 July. Further details will be available closer to the time. Individuals who wish to participate must register by 19 July read more
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- amateur-radio