Wellington VHF Group / February 2020
The Wellington VHF Group is a club established to promote and encourage an interest in and generally to assist in the development of the science of Amateur and experimental radio. It provides the opportunity for like-minded individuals to pursue an interesting hobby, and to share aspirations, knowledge, experience, and fellowship.
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- amateurradio
- communitygroups
Branch 50/74 Lunch and Shed Workshop Event
- Wellington VHF Group
- Branch 50/74 Lunch and Shed Workshop Event ZL2WAL Fri, 02/28/2020 - 18:04 On 1 March from 12 noon -3pm we will be meeting for a light lunch at Mike ZL1AXG’s QTH Branch 50 NZART will be ordering in a light fingerfood lunch (savouries and sandwiches) as the hosts for the joint event for Branch 50 and Branch 74 members.
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- amateur-radio