Wellington Scoop / April 2015
- Tagged as:
- media
Glorification or commemoration; a moving, disorienting exhibition at Te Papa
- Wellington Scoop
- Accepted from Wellington Scoop features
- Tagged as:
- te-papa
Te Papa, 55, Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Taking it seriously: the Island Bay cycleway
- Wellington Scoop
- Accepted from Wellington Scoop features
- Tagged as:
- island-bay-cycle-way
- island-bay
Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Rex is right about the Town Hall
- Wellington Scoop
- Accepted from Wellington Scoop features
- Tagged as:
- heritage-buildings
- earthquake-strengthening
Wellington Town Hall, Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa