Wellington Region Cycleways / August 2010
Promoting Cycle Ways from Seatoun to the Manawatu River (and beyond)
September 2010 | July 2010-
I wanna be a Shweeb Dweeb
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- Yet another cool idea at the design intersection of bikes and public transport.
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- blogs
- transport
- cycling
Are you disappointed by the National Cycleway?
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- Last November I predicted we’d soon be seeing the then new logo for the New Zealand Cycle Trail on signs up and down the country.
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- blogs
- transport
- cycling
Sail carts, land yachts and recumbent trikes
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- On old maps of Asia, where as medieval cartographers would draw sea monsters in the oceans, they would sometimes draw Mongol sail carts in the middle of the steppe.
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- blogs
- transport
- cycling
Wellington is a cycling city
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- An early drizzly weekday morning in Wellington and there are still hundreds of people riding on the waterfront: There is some suggestion to make the cyclists go along Jervois Quay instead of the waterfront.
- Tagged as:
- waterfront
Ideas for Wellington #2 thru #11
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- I pinched a map from this page on the Greens website.
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- blogs
- transport
- cycling
A Do Nothing for Cyclists Mayor?
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- With the new trains coming the Greater Wellington Regional Council is reviewing its policies for bikes on trains.
- Tagged as:
- cycling
- trains
- election-candiates-2010
Wellington roads need tolls for cars
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- It seems the NZTA is to waste another $29 million dollars on State Highway 1 between Aotea Quay and the SH1/SH2 split, which is barely more than 3 kilometres.
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- blogs
- transport
- cycling