Te Papa's blog and Animals
Sniffing out seabirds on Mana Island
- Te Papa's blog
- Te Papa vertebrates curator Colin Miskelly recently spent 3 days on Mana Island following a conservation dog searching for well-concealed petrels in the lush vegetation. He kindly agreed to share a ‘blog with a dog’ with us. Miro is a 4-year-old German short-haired pointer cross. He is one of the
- Accepted from Te Papa blog feed by tonytw1
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- dogs
Mana Island, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Penguin update – Wellington & Malborough news
- Te Papa's blog
- Since we blogged 2 weeks ago, the Te Papa team working on little penguins has started a second front of activity in Marlborough, based at Motuara Island in Queen Charlotte Sound. Almost all of the birds from the Wellington Harbour nests have had their tags retrieved, and are going to either locations within the harbour or... Read more »
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- penguins
- te-papa
Te Papa, 55, Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The global penguin – Part 11. How old was the Peka Peka emperor penguin?
- Te Papa's blog
- Te Papa’s curator of terrestrial vertebrates Dr Colin Miskelly tells the 11th instalment of the story of the emperor penguin that went where none had gone before. Previous blogs on the penguin were posted between 23 June and 12 September 2011.
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- penguins
- te-papa
Te Papa, 55, Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The global penguin – Part 7. The wandering emperor penguin enters the technological age
- Te Papa's blog
- The celebrity Emperor Penguin at Wellington Zoo had a satellite tracking device fitted yesterday in preparation for his trip towards colder climes during the coming week. The bird will be transported to south of 50 degrees on the NIWA research vessel Tangaroa this week.
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- penguins
Colossal squid on display gets check-up
- Te Papa's blog
- We can all do with a check-up every so often – just to ensure things are going ok and we’re not falling apart. Today our team took the lid off the colossal squid tank and started to drain out the preservation fluid so we can give the colossal squid a check-up. We last had the lid off the tank in March 2009.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- cephalopods
More on Friday’s Killer whales in Wellington Harbour
- Te Papa's blog
- Here’s proof that there were indeed Orca’s or Killer Whales in Wellington Harbour on Friday. Proof too of what a small, interconnected world we live in! This photo was sent to us by Jochen Flöthe from Kiel, Germany! Jochen’s daughter is back-packing in New Zealand and had sent family back in Germany photos of the six Orca [...]
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- animals
Killer whales again today, Owhiro Bay
- Te Papa's blog
- There were killer whales (orca) hanging around Wellington harbour yesterday – as reported by Anton van Helden, Te Papa’s marine mammal specialist. More killer whales were seen this morning, though I’d don’t know if they are the same animals. After a txt from Anton I raced down to the South Coast at Owhiro Bay, not far [...]
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- animals
- island-bay
Owhiro Bay