Saturday 10thChamps Premier League:Naenae vs Freeheat Stop Out - - - Naenae 1, 2:30pmCapital 2: Tawa B vs Stop Out at Kura, 2:30pmCapital 9: Wgtn Utd Salmon vs Stop Out at MacAlister #2, 12:30pmCapital 11: Stop Out vs Uni Rangers at Hutt Park #2, 2:30pmMasters 2: Waterside Turtles vs Reds at Karori #3, 2:30pmMasters 4: Seatoun B vs Blacks at Seatoun, 12:30pmMasters 5: McCreadie vs Petone at Hutt Park #3, 2:30pmSunday 11thDivision 1: Stop Out vs Brooklyn at Hutt Park #1, 1:00pmDivision 4: Tawa vs Stop Out at Onepoto #2, 1:00pm
Prepare to immerse yourself in a vibrant blend of creativity, passion, and pure entertainment as the 35th edition of the New Zealand Fringe Festival unfolds at BATS Theatre.
In association with Hurricanes statistics compiler Peter Marriott, the Stat Attack returns in 2025. Facts and figures from the third round match against Moana Pasifika at Albany below. Round 4 v Moana Pasifika: Lost 31-40 Moana Pasifika was introduced to Super Rugby in 2022 and has now played 46 matches for eight wins and 38...