
Reviews / May 2024

June 2024 | April 2024
    • Review: Lipstick
      • How do I even begin to describe this band? I’ve been dying to write about Lipstick since I saw them for the first time at Valhalla in April. Without a doubt, Lipstick has become my favorite band to see live, and I’ve been hooked since that very first show. Since their debut as a band at the end of March, they’ve become a prominent presence in the gig scene—and for good reason.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • music
      • reviews

    • Review: Trying to Have a Good Night Out at Willis Lane
      • This article is sponsored by Willis Lane. The unthinkable has happened and Salient has finally gone outside! We haven’t gone so far as to go out into nature or anything—Will would get culture shock. Instead, we bravely ventured where (probably) no student has ever been before: Willis Lane on a Friday night. Opening last year to rave reviews, Wellington’s (relatively) new entertainment venue is home to a number of restaurants, activities, and bars. Thanks to our friends at Willis Lane, the Salient team enjoyed a night on the town, underground: as the trimester wraps up, our honest take is that Willis Lane is a pretty good spot to have a little end-of-tri treat!
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • restaurants
      • reviews