Talk Wellington / October 2021
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- blogs
Democracy “after” COVID: who’s gonna decide?
- Talk Wellington
- For better or worse, we decide a LOT of things “democratically” in Aotearoa – from pipe spending to health boards. Why do we have our democratic setup for deciding things? What’s the future ‘after’ COVID? Tune in! Our familiar system of picking leaders – electoral representative democracy – was born of the English, American and French...
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- covid-19
Urbanerds Tuesday 12.10: NEW VENUE!
- Talk Wellington
- How lucky we are in Te Upoko o te Ika, the Head of the Fish, that we can come together in big groups to talk, laugh, eat, drink and conspire! You know Urbanerds Wellington as a glorious gathering of civic collaborations, conspiracies and cool conversations. Well, it’s getting even better with a cool new venue!...
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- blogs
Safer cycling: say Yes And to the missing link
- Talk Wellington
- The last bit of Tahitai, the safe biking / scooting path from the city centre to eastern suburbs, has just one bit left! But it needs your support This is a good good thing. Please submit and say you support. Say Yes! Despite its out-and-out awesomeness, it’s facing organised headwinds (because… parking), so it’s really important...
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- cycle-lanes
Pedal to the metal folks: climate won’t wait for COVID
- Talk Wellington
- The government is rushing through a COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill which includes backsliding on the Zero Carbon Act. Whack in a submission TODAY TUESDAY! It’s easy as Just popped up on the radar: the helpful peeps at Generation Zero have spotted that the “COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill” includes a whole bunch...
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- covid-19
Would somebody, PLEASE, think of the cars?!
- Talk Wellington
- Here on Talk Wellington you hear a lot about building cities for people, that are accessible to all. But there’s one group we often neglect. In a thought-provoking piece, Dima Kronfeld lays down the challenge: how do we make cities accessible to the person-car hybrid, like the charming Montgomery “Lightning” McQueen? Image credit:jeff_golden (with edits)
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