Regional Council / August 2015
September 2015 | July 2015-
Flood Clean-up Continues for Porirua Stream
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Work to alleviate storm water outlet blockages, localised flooding and management of a huge volume of unwanted gravel in the Porirua Stream will begin next week.
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- Tagged as:
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Keep safe around trains
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Trains are a natural part of Wellington region’s landscape.
- Accepted from GW Feed
- Automatically tagged as:
- regional-council
Keep safe around trains
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Trains are a natural part of Wellington region’s landscape.
- Accepted from GW Feed
- Tagged as:
- trains
Environmental snapshot released in summary report
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- The current state of the environment can be seen at a glance with the release of the Greater Wellington Regional Council’s latest Environmental Science Annual Summary Report today.
- Accepted from GW Feed
- Automatically tagged as:
- regional-council