Media / October 2020
November 2020 | September 2020-
Rebranding Karori, from Auckland
- Wellington Scoop
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Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
More buses on route 2, and goodbye to most hubs
- Wellington Scoop
- Metlink describes several of its bus routes as “high frequency”, commonly defined as a bus every 15 minutes or better from first bus to last bus, every day of the week. With frequency like that, people don’t need a timetable: it’s turn up and go.
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- buses
Let’s do it! Costs and risks reduced for Central Library strengthening
- Wellington Scoop
- Thank you Wellington for your feedback on the future of our Central Library. Your input has been thoughtful, informative, and your views have been diverse. Many of you sympathised with us in the decision we have to make – recognising that there were pluses and minuses of each of the five options.
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Wellington Central Library, Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The case for moving the Library
- Wellington Scoop
- The Ian Athfield designed Wellington Central Library that was built in 1991 was placed just a stone’s throw, and a quarter turn around the square, from the 1940 Centennial Library building that it replaced. That building continues to provide great service as the City Gallery.
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Te Ngākau Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Affordable housing in the CBD – a pipe dream
- Wellington Scoop
- Partly as a byproduct of the Spatial Plan and partly because of the real-world challenge of trying to find well-priced housing in an increasingly expensive city, the current debates are tending to polarise into the people who want to preserve heritage and the people who want a sensibly-priced place to live. Both ambitions are laudable – but in Wellington, it may well be that “affordable” is not one of the feasible options, no matter how many ratty old flats we demolish.
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No sign of a truce
- Wellington Scoop
- There’s no sign of a truce in the battle over Wellington’s Spatial Plan. Who’d have expected that town planning would create so much passion? Even animosity in some quarters, despite the fact that there’s so much common ground – all the opposing groups agree that Wellington needs more homes.
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Why the Spatial Plan is wrong
- Wellington Scoop
- The Draft Spatial Plan is hopelessly inadequate for citizens to accept, as they have not been properly consulted over its reasoning or its likelihood of success. Much more information is required for informed opinions to lead to good decisions.
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Missed communication
- Wellington Scoop
- When the Wellington City Council asked us to comment on its new Spatial Plan, it told us the city’s population was going to increase by between 50,000 and 80,000 people over the next thirty years. This led to a great debate about adding blocks of apartments in inner city heritage areas alongside character homes. But towards the end of the consultation period, the council quietly released information that indicated all that debate may not have been necessary.
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It’s agreed – where high rise apartments shouldn’t be built (and why)
- Wellington Scoop
- I agree with Guy Marriage when he opposes plans that would allow high-rise apartment buildings in narrow central city streets.
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- draft-spatial-plan