Cricket / August 2013
September 2013 | July 2013-
All Your Save The Basin Submission Resources In One Place
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- With less than a week till the deadline of 5pm on 6 September 2013 to make a submission on the …Continue reading »
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- basin-reserve-flyover
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- cricket
Submission Guide: Proposed Basin Bridge (Flyover)
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Note: For formal purposes , the flyover proposal is called the “Basin Bridge Proposal”.
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Firebirds support Funrazor for child cancer
- Cricket Wellington
- Harry Findlay, a member of the Porirua City Junior Cricket Club, decided he wanted to help children suffering from cancer. Approximately, three children a week in New Zealand are diagnosed with cancer.
- Accepted from Cricket Wellington news
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Success for Junior Cricket Upper Hutt
- Cricket Wellington
- Junior Cricket Upper Hutt took out the Sport and Leisure category in last night’s Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards for the Upper Hutt region.
- Accepted from Cricket Wellington news
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- cricket
This Sunday, 2pm: Save the Basin Workshop on Basin Flyover Submissions
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- In recent posts we have highlighted the importance of campaign supporters making their own voices heard in the upcoming Board of Inquiry.
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- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Call for Nomination of Directors
- Cricket Wellington
- This notice is formal advice that nominations for the position of Director are now open. The Annual General Meeting of Cricket Wellington will be held in the Long Room, RA Vance Stand, Hawkins Basin Reserve on Wednesday 9 October 2013 at 7.00pm.
- Accepted from Cricket Wellington news
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- cricket
Save the Basin Flyover Presentation – Full Of Good Submission Ideas
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- The closing date for submissions on the proposed Basin flyover is 5pm on Friday 6 September.
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- basin-reserve-flyover
- consultation
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Cricket Wellington acknowledges passing of John Oakley CBE
- Cricket Wellington
- Cricket Wellington acknowledges the passing of former President John Oakley CBE, whom passed away on 9 August.
- Accepted from Cricket Wellington news
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- obituaries
Basin Flyover Submission Process
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- The submission process for NZTA’s proposed Basin Reserve flyover has now been announced.
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- consultation
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Iain McPeake offered Wellington Firebirds contract
- Cricket Wellington
- The Wellington Firebirds have completed the list of 14 playersto be offered contracts for the 2013-14 season, with Iain McPeake offered the final contract.
- Accepted from Cricket Wellington news
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- cricket
Womens Cricket Coordinator Vacancy
- Cricket Wellington
- Cricket Wellington seeks an enthusiastic sports administrator with a passion for cricket to take on the role of Womens Cricket Coordinator
- Accepted from Cricket Wellington news
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- cricket
NZC National Database and Competition Management Project
- Cricket Wellington
- New Zealand Cricket has engaged CricHQ to launch a national competitions and database system this season. The aim of this project is to have all cricket players (junior, youth and senior) in New Zealand registered on to the system, so as to improve the administration of our sport.
- Accepted from Cricket Wellington news
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- cricket
Dominion Post Puts The Wind Up NZTA’s Flyover Plans
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- In a front-page story today the Dominion Post raised serious questions about the safety of the proposed Basin Reserve flyover in strong wind conditions.
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- cricket
“Helpful” Government Gives Our Public Meeting On Saturday 3 August A Publicity Boost
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Want a good reason to attend the Save the Basin Public Meeting at St Joseph’s Church, cnr Brougham and Paterson Sts, Mt Victoria, from 4-5pm tomorrow, Saturday 3 August? Well, if our original invitation wasn’t enough, now you have a new reason: The Government has just announced that the resource consent hearing will be before an EPA Board of Inquiry hearing rather than before the Environment Court, as Wellington City Council had recommended. You can read the Minister’s announcement, and find out the names of those she has appointed to the Board of Inquiry, on Wellington Scoop. We’d rather the Minister had taken a few more months – or years – to make her decision, but now we know exactly what we’re up against. We were already going to tell you about NZTA’s flawed and sloppy flyover proposal, and what it means for you. Now we can also tell you with more confidence what the submission process will be, and how you can tell the Board, the Government, opposition political parties and the world at large that we do not want this ugly, outdated and unnecessary concrete monstrosity within a bull’s roar of the historic Basin Reserve.
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
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- cricket