
Wellington Scottish Athletics Club / February 2020

March 2020 | January 2020
    • Weekly News 10 February 2020
      • Five big favours to ask this week for everyone doing RTB: (a) wear your singlet – be visible and promote the club, (b) join us at the yellow tent afterwards, (c) say hello to the people near you during the run/walk and invite them to visit us at the yellow tent, (d) tell friends and colleagues who had fun to come and talk to us, and (e) make sure you sign up for our membership special for 2020-2021. Options for the week  Tuesday 5.30pm, Waterfront 5km, Outside Mac’s Brewbar on Taranaki Wharf. Come and run, volunteer or support.Wednesday 6.15pm, Newtown Park Track workout. Meet 6.15pm for 6.30pm start, lead by Andy and Rowan, shorter distance track reps.Saturday, 8.00am, Newtown Track workout – contact Chandima for info, or check Facebook for details. Longer track reps with a focus on building towards major events.Saturday, 8.00am, Lower Hutt 5km Parkrun, Porirua 5km Parkrun, Kapiti Coast 5km Parkrun.Saturday, 1:58pm, Porritt Classic, Hamilton (Hiro Tanimoto 1500m)Sunday, Round the Bays, half marathon at 7.45am, 10km at 8.30am and 6.5km at 9.15am. Frank Kitts Park.  Results The Tarawera Ultramarathon is such an amazing atmosphere even in the years when the Trail Queens do not turn up in dominating numbers. 102km: Fiona Hayvice 11:54:08, Emma Bessett 13:35:25, Chris Howard 22:33:31. Mel Aitken DNF at 75km. 52km: Nicholas Vessiot 5:53:48, Jaime Vessiot 6:01:25, Emily Solsberg 6:15:10, Jo Badham 6:44:36, Marketa Langova 6:50:01, Ben Cornelius 7:54:28. 21km: Melanie Hart 2:02:41, Kate Slater 2:04:19, Abigail Pitman 2:19:03, Michelle Knight 2:27:32, Isobel Deeley 2:30:08,  Lindsay Young 2:31:14, Kath Littler 2:34:21 – Results So it turns out a lot of you have more than one string to your bow. Capital City Triathlon: Danielle Trewoon won the Medium Distance (750m/15km/5km) in 01:02:30, Anna Breen 01:18:19, and Claire Jennings 01:24:50. Valentino Luna Hernandez was second in the Enduro Distance (2km/60km/15km) in 3:14:58, James Turner 3:40:12, Helen Bradford 4:16:35, Paul Rodway 4:20:58, Richard Sweetman 4:28:41, Greg Williams 4:31:37. Rachael Cunningham did 03:11:48 for a revised distance Triathlon of 2km/60km/10km and Tricia Sloan did 45:05 for the enduro swim. – ResultsMalcolm Hodge ran a big PB 01:09:54.0 for 13th place in the First Half Half Marathon in Vancouver.Hamish Carson ran 1:51.66 for 800m at the Meeting National des Sacres (YouTube) in Reims (France) and 3:42.40 for 1500m at the Orlen Copernicus Cup (YouTube) in Torun (Poland).At the Combined Junior/Senior Track and Field meet at Newtown Park on Sunday 800m: Hiro Tanimoto 2:07.22. 3000m Run: Hiro Tanimoto 9:42.79, Ayesha Shafi 11:08.57. 3000m Walk: Sean Lake 17:54.99, Daphne Jones 22:42.86 – Results. Upcoming events Round the Bays, 16  February, Frank Kitts Park  Round the Bays is the biggest running festival in Wellington. It’s one of our best opportunities to invite new people to join the club. So, repeating from above, here are five big favours to ask this week for everyone doing RTB:  Wear your singlet – be visible and promote the club; Join us at the yellow tent afterwards; Say hello to the people near you during the run/walk and invite them to visit us at the yellow tent; Tell friends and colleagues who had fun to come and talk to us; and Sign up for our membership special for 2020-2021. Michelle Knight will be coordinating that recruitment drive. If you think you can help either beforehand with promotion, publicity and administration support or on the day handing out flyers, staffing our tent and talking to people about Scottish contact her.  Todd Stevens, todd.stevens@pwc.com is looking for a 40min pacer for the 10km. Please let him know if you want to help.  Matairangi Fun Run, 23 February Hataitai Velodrome,  Open to the public, the Matairangi Fun Run, based on Mount Victoria, runs over the iconic Vosseler Shield course. There are two race options: the One Loop Race (5 km); or the Two Loop Race (two 5 km loops, adding up to 10 km). Each loop has approximately 190 metres of elevation. McVilly Shield Relay, 7 March, Karori Park The McVilly Shield is the first club event for the season and a great way to get to know other people in the club. This relay has teams of three people each. Everyone can participate, runners, walkers, J Team, seniors, masters and friends of the club. Just turn up and we will find you a team. You can either race it or use it as an opportunity to do some training.  Each team must do ten laps of Karori Park. No individual team member can do more than four laps. But you can do the laps in any order you like. The race is randomly handicapped after the teams start. Notices Join this week and save $20 or more Join or re-join Wellington Scottish at Round the Bays this year and you get $20 off your new season of Scottish full adult membership (down from $185 to $165). You can sign up at our bright yellow tent at Kilbirnie Park or you email us at membership@scottishathletics.org.nz and pay Wellington Scottish Athletics 38-9005-0501833-00. Put your name and “RTB JOIN” in the reference. If you want a singlet too, add $39. This will be the biggest discount we offer this year so don’t miss out by waiting. Also: if you, as an existing member, sign up an adult friend who is new to the club or has not been a member for the last five years, we will give both you and your friend $15 off your membership fees. If you sign up two friends who are new to the club you get two lots of $15 off your membership fee. And so on. So, talk to your friends and colleagues who are running or walking Round the Bays this year. Tell them they could enjoy the same fun all year round at Scottish. If you get a friend to join make sure you email membership@scottishathletics.org.nz to let us know. Discounts Join a new friend -$15 per new friendRound the Bays discount for adult members -$20 Switch to new email system I have switched from TinyLetter to MailChimp to send out these weekly emails. Hopefully, those of you who want them still receive them and those who don’t won’t. You can unsubscribe at the link below if you choose. Or you can subscribe here: <form aria-describedby="wp-block-jetpack-mailchimp_consent-text" > <input aria-label="Enter your email" placeholder="Enter your email" required title="Enter your email" type="email" name="email" /> Subscribe Processing… Success! You're on the list. Whoops! There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Please reload the page and try again. Events calendar Our full events calendar is available on our website. It is also available as a Google Calendar that you can add to your own electronic diary. Keep in touch with the club:  If you want to contact anyone about anything then your first ports of call are our club captains Ben Twyman and Danielle Trewoon, our coaching coordinator Jamie White and our club president Michael Wray.Public Facebook page. And join the Scottish member Facebook group hereInstagramWebsite
      • Accepted from WSAC news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • hataitai
      • kapiti
      • karori
      • kilbirnie
      • mount-victoria
      • porirua
      • waterfront
      • newtown-park
      • velodrome
      • vosseler
      • e-scooters
      • Newtown Park, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)


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