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Thorndon Residents Assocation and Buses

Just Thorndon Residents Assocation Just Buses
    • Fair Fares For Wellington
      • Tony Randle, Chair, Johnsonville Progressive Association. No-one likes to raise public transport fares, especially when so many are reliant on this service. But these costs have increased so rail users can travel in new trains on upgraded track and use upgraded stations. The approach of the Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) is to raise fares equally for both bus and rail users. It seems doubly unfair in raising fares on bus users who cannot benefit from the new trains when their own service will receive little service improvement. In effect, increased bus fares are being used to pay for increased rail costs.
      • Accepted from Thorndon Residents Assocation blog
      • Tagged as:
      • fares
      • johnsonville
      • buses

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