
Secondary / April 2016

May 2016 | February 2016
    • Weekly Wrap Up (T1/W11)
      • Important Dates 2 May : First day of Term 2 6 May : Nominations Open for Board of Trustee Election 16 – 20 May : Shakespeare Society Production 24 May: Altered timetable for contributing schools visit 31 May : Altered timetable for SWIS Visit 6 June : Queen’s Birthday 7 June : Year 11 Drama Production 13 June : Open Evening 20 June : Year 12 Drama Production BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTIONS From Deputy Chair, Deanne Daysh. School Boards of Trustees are a central part of New Zealand’s schools. Together the Board and Principal form the leadership team of the school. The Board is a governance body, focussing on the vision and strategic direction of the school while the Principal leads the management of the school, making the operational decisions to implement strategy. Being a school trustee is an important role that needs people with a range of skills and experiences and in order that the Board reflects our community, ideally we want a good balance of gender, ethnicity and skills.  At Wellington High School, the Board of Trustees work to promote the culture and ethos of Wellington High School. We  focus on student achievement and support educational opportunities for all students in our school.  If you are interested in becoming a member of the Board of Trustees you should be prepared to make a contribution to the work of the Board, to act as part of a governance team, have the skills to ask the right questions and be prepared to participate in making decisions. Specific skills are not a requirement, however governance experience, financial management and legal skills are useful.  We would like to really encourage people to put their names forward to be nominated for election to our school board. For further details about the process have a look at the Board of Trustees Newsletter
      • Accepted from WHS news
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • secondary
      • Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)


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