Ngaio Progressive Association
Candidates meeting great success
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- Ngaio Town Hall was packed out for our Meet the Candidates meeting in the Ngaio Town hall on 2 September. It started out quietly with each candidate outlining policy, but livened up immensely once question time started.
- Accepted from Ngaio Progressive Association news
- Tagged as:
- ngaio
Ngaio, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Tagging votes
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- ngaio - Hand tagged by autotagger
- places - Ancestor of tag ngaio
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- ngaio - Publisher tag
- places - Ancestor of publisher tag ngaio
- wcnhosted - Publisher tag
- places - Ancestor of feed tag ngaio
- ngaio - Feed tag
- Ngaio, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand - Ngaio tag geocode