Local body elections / March 2007
Local body elections
April 2007 | February 2007-
Wellington City Council sets rates for 2007/08-Another election year
- Bryan Pepperell - Back To The Future
- This is a Council on the run from its own policies and is about to have cardiac arrest. The Deputy Mayor, with his handful of votes that got him elected to Council, senses that CPR might be needed to a Council that is in its death throes now gasping for life with the possibility of an eight percent rate increase to the residents and a two percent increase to the commercial sector.
- Tagged as:
- rates
- wellington-city-council
Save Te Rae Kai Hau Point 2007
- Bryan Pepperell - Back To The Future
- The $22 m cost of this project(the fish zoo) continues to escalate due to its proposed location at Te Rae Kai Hau Point and the need to protect the building from the relentless force of the sea. Not only will ratepayers be press-ganged into paying the inevitable shortfalls and ongoing costs, we will lose our precious natural heritage to so called environmentalists.
- Tagged as:
- marine-education-centre
The rates switch from business to your rates bill !
- Bryan Pepperell - Back To The Future
- Note that the Revenue and Financing Policy outlines a shift in the commercial residential rating differential from 4.4 in 2006/07 to 3.8 in 2007/08.
- Tagged as:
- rates
- wellington-city-council