Friends of Mana Island / September 2020
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- places
FOMI work trip – 4-6 September 2020 – seabird, flax weevil and lizard monitoring, plus planting and weeding
- Friends of Mana Island
- Under COVID Level 2 our numbers were restricted to 10 volunteers. High winds and unfavourable tides on the Friday brought our trip forward to midday. Only 1 person had to drop out, leaving a party of 9. DOC ranger Nick told us about successful takahe transfers onto and off of Mana in preceding days. He […]
- Accepted from Friends of Mana Island feed by feedreader
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- covid-19
Mana Island, Moki Street, Titahi Bay, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, 5022, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)