
Cycling in Wellington / September 2012

Cycling in Wellington is a community-oriented website that exists for the sole purpose of encouraging people to ride bikes and have fun doing it. It’s written by a pretty varied bunch of people who have in common a marvellous enjoyment of getting on a bike.

October 2012 | July 2012
    • Looking for new bloggers
      • It spring – time for growing! So we’re putting the call out for some new blogging ‘blood’ to join our teams in Cycling in Auckland, Cycling in Wellington and Cycling in Christchurch! This is your opportunity to have people around the world hanging off your every word, waiting with baited breath for your latest observation or insightful idea, become a household name (well certain households anyway), join the growing fraternity of self-made bicycle blogging celebrities. Alternatively, if fame is not your thing, come up with an alter ego … a pen name, a ‘nom de plume’. The freedom of having an a.k.a is fabulous! The process of blogging is very simple (just like writing and email really) so you don’t need any technical knowledge, just the impulse to share your ideas and thoughts. So, if I’ve wetted your appetite and you would like to find out more, just drop me a line at unity.finesmith@gmail.com or contact me on twitter, facebook or through the contact pages on any of the websites.
      • Accepted from Cycling in Wellington posts
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • cycling