
Amateur Radio / February 2008

March 2008 | December 2007
    • The Direction for 2008
      • 21 January 2008 Welcome to the first entry of the President Blog for 2008! I trust you are all back with us safe and well after the Christmas New Year period. At the December committee meeting we set the direction for 2008. The overarching direction like always is to support people doing Ham Radio. The things that should catch our attention are those that will enable people to do Ham radio and those that impeded it. read more
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • amateur-radio

    • Website Status
      • Hi Guys and Gals. Just to make sure you're in the know, there's an 'Administrivia' Category on the BlakJak.net website which will provide updates on any issues or outages affecting vhf.org.nz. In the event of any problems keep an eye on BlakJak.net as this is the first place an update will be published. It seems that the server BlakJak.net is currently hosted on has seen better days, so in the interests of longer-term stability a replacement box is being built at present. We hope to have this in service over the next month or so. read more
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • amateur-radio


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