Airport / August 2015
September 2015 | July 2015-
All the reports from the airport so far
- Guardians of the Bays
- We dug up the second arrangement between the Council and the airport, where the Council agreed to fund the airport with an extra $1.
- Accepted from Guardians of the Bays posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- runway-extension
Keeping the Airport honest is as hard as catching tadpoles with your bare hands
- Guardians of the Bays
- We need to state upfront that we do appreciate that the Wellington International Airport Limited (WIAL) is a corporation, one run by its majority shareholder Infratil, and as such has specific mandates to fulfil for its shareholders.
- Accepted from Guardians of the Bays posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- runway-extension
Stan Andis: Wellington Airport Comes to Town
- Guardians of the Bays
- It was only a matter of hours prior to my being informed that a presentation by Wellington Airport was to take place before a Council meeting on Tuesday 4th August, 2015.
- Accepted from Guardians of the Bays posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- runway-extension
A 1988 clip on safety issues at Wellington airport
- Guardians of the Bays
- A rather quaint old clip talking about the serious safety concerns at Wellington airport. Note, a very young Helene Ritchie saying that ‘the extension option is the least likely’.
- Accepted from Guardians of the Bays posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- runway-extension
VIDEO: A collection of scary Wellington landings and take-offs
- Guardians of the Bays
- Watching these clips (and looking at the planes coming in during a screaming Southerly or Nor’westerly from my veranda) does really make you question the sanity of the planners who thought this was an ideal location for a runway…
- Accepted from Guardians of the Bays posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- runway-extension
Monthy Python & the Wellington Runway Extension: Someone should trophy hunt this white elephant
- Guardians of the Bays
- The bumbling shambles that is the Wellington International Airport and Wellington City Council’s pipe dream for an airport expansion rolls on with more misinformation and lack of co-ordination by the various parties no doubt costing us millions of dollars with absolutely nothing to show for it but a report that says we shouldn’t go there.
- Accepted from Guardians of the Bays posts
- Tagged as:
- runway-extension
All LTP submissions about the airport (pro and con)
- Guardians of the Bays
- We have gone through the trouble of looking at all 1049 formal LTP submissions.
- Accepted
- Automatically tagged as:
- runway-extension
WCC Long Term Plan Guardians of the Bays submission
- Guardians of the Bays
- This was our submission, which went into some depth as to the economic folly that this runway extension in its current form posed, as well as the issues related to the consultation process. GOTB LTP Submission FINAL
- Accepted
- Tagged as:
- runway-extension
- consultation
- wellington-city-council