
Waterfront / September 2007

October 2007 | August 2007
    • Wharf Plaza
      • The public spaces at Kumutoto are gradually being reopened after their revamp. This week the area between the Steamship Wharf and Meridian Energy buildings, which according to Wellington Waterfront Ltd is to be called "Wharf Plaza", is having the last finishing touches applied. While the "spring" weather may not exactly be conducive to lingering outside, the green lights under the new benches look especially good at dusk.
      • Tagged as:
      • architecture
      • waterfront

    • Ahoy me hearties!
      • So it's one week until that most beloved of all days - International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I bet you're wondering how you can celebrate it instead of going to the Driving Government Performance - the development goals at work conference. Luckily, the Museum of Wellington City and Sea has the perfect solution: The Great Pirate Corporate Challenge! The challenge takes place between 12.30-2pm on the day, and will see teams of five compete in a treasure hunt on Somes/Maitu Island, a peg-leg race and a tug'o war.
      • Tagged as:
      • events
      • museums-and-galleries
      • waterfront

    • Pass mark for the park
      • Among the various items on the agenda of the recent Waterfront Development Subcommittee meeting was a review of Waitangi Park. There are five separate PDFs to download there, including a survey of park users and an interesting quantitative study of which sections of the park were being used and when, but the guts of the report is a large tabular Design Quality Audit.
      • Tagged as:
      • waterfront


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