
Theatre / October 2009

November 2009 | September 2009
    • Tell us your stories!
      • Next month Downstage celebrates its 45th Birthday. To mark the occasion, we'd like to hear your stories about the experiences you've had here (good or bad). We'll be printing these and displaying them throughout the building to signify how many people have shared in our theatre's story.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • downstage-funding
      • Downstage Theatre, Cambridge Terrace, Mt. Victoria, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand

    • Pecha Kucha was tonight
      • If you wanted to see the latest Pecha Kucha night in Wellington, then : apologies, because you’ve just missed it. I presume that you know what I’m on about? Pecha Kucha, known for its egaliterian treatment of all and sundry, with 20 seconds for each of 20 slides, treats every one and every image the same. The line-up tonight was great -
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • theatre

    • Downstage tribute to Martyn Sanderson
      • It is with great sorrow that the Board, Staff and Members of Downstage Theatre, received news of the passing last night of founder and former director, Martyn Sanderson. Martyn was one of several visionary Wellingtonians who worked together in 1963 and 1964 to start Downstage, New Zealand's first professional theatre, and he appeared in or directed many early productions, including starring with Peter Bland in the first production on the Cambridge Terrace site: Edward Albee's Zoo Story.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • theatre
      • obituaries
      • Downstage Theatre, Cambridge Terrace, Mt. Victoria, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand

    • Pecha Kucha Night - 19 OCT @ Downstage
      • Downstage will be hosting the 6th annual Pecha Kucha Night on Monday 19 October. Pecha Kucha - a presentation format for creative work originally devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein-Dytham Architecture (KDa) in Tokyo, Japan - is a unique, rapid-fire format in which each speaker shows 20 images, each for 20 seconds.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • theatre
      • events
      • Downstage Theatre, Cambridge Terrace, Mt. Victoria, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand

    • Muntu (=Humankind)
      • The distinguished Kenyan artist, playwright, theatre director and cultural activist Wakanyote Njuguna (known simply as ‘Wakanyote’) has arrived in Wellington to present theatre-going New Zealanders with an experience they will never forget.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • theatre
      • Downstage Theatre, Cambridge Terrace, Mt. Victoria, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand


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