
Theatre / June 2009

July 2009 | May 2009
    • The Raft – 12 June, Downstage Theatre
      • The Downstage Theatre was almost unrecognisable as I took my seat in the light-dimmed room to watch The Raft. Laid out before me was an impressive cross-section of a bach, complete with wood-panelled floors and walls. There were thin branches of dead bracken hanging from the ceiling and a cute pot-belly stove tucked in a corner. This clever set-design, along with intelligent lighting and sound, set the scene for an incredibly moving piece of theatre that I cannot recommend highly enough.
      • Tagged as:
      • theatre

    • Othello Polynesia - 2 June, Downstage Theatre
      • It was too often a case of missed opportunities and uneven performances for the opening night of Othello Polynesia.  Not to say that there weren’t any highlights amongst this modern retelling of an ancient story.  But when you’re taking more interest in the funnier parts of such a classic drama, it’s obvious something’s a bit lacking in terms of the production and its respective players.
      • Tagged as:
      • theatre


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