Mary Potter Hospice / June 2024
Mary Potter Hospice is a local charity that provides specialist palliative care services for people living in Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti. We provide equitable, compassionate, free-of-charge hospice care working primarily with patients, families and carers in the place they call home, and at our Inpatient Unit in Newtown, Wellington.
July 2024 | May 2024-
National Volunteer’s Week: Gabrielle
- Mary Potter Hospice
- After a life-time of nursing, Gabrielle wanted to help anyway possible. On retirement, Gabrielle gave up her paid job and started looking for opportunities to – read more
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Volunteer Week: Bruce
- Mary Potter Hospice
- Sharing special moments The two years I’ve been volunteering have been such a privilege. I like meeting people and have had some amazing conversations! Bruce’s – read more
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A heart to heart, in support of Mary Potter Hospice.
- Mary Potter Hospice
- A nibble and a natter is commonplace at Malvina Major Retirement Village, but this tried and test tradition now has a new twist. A natter – read more
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