
Conservation / January 2018

March 2018 | November 2017
    • Big discoveries at Kaiwharawhara Stream
      • Wellington East Girls College Year 13 Biology students are scientists making big discoveries and building big action plans! Through their NCEA assessments in 2018, they have been studying the Kaiwharawhara Stream, investigating how changes in the physical characteristics of the waterway are impacting the native fish and invertebrates. Now they are turning science into restoration! They were interested in one site especially, a small tributary of the Kaiwharawhara where it flows from Johnston's Hill in Karori, through the Karori Cemetery and out into the main arm of the Kaiwharawhara at Otari Wilton Bush.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • conservation
      • Kaiwharawhara Stream, Chartwell, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)


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