Churton Park Community Association / August 2019
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Bus network feedback opportunity
- Churton Park Community Association
- Metlink have set up drop in sessions where residents can give their feedback on the bus network. Full details are given in the flier attached below.If you can not attend one of the sessions there is an on line survey running from Friday 23 August, accessed at Alternatively just send your comments by email directly to
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- johnsonville
Meet the Candidates meeting dates in Johnsonville
- Churton Park Community Association
- Meet the candidates meetings will be held in the Johnsonville Community Centre, as follows: Monday 16 September, 7:30-9:30pm, JCC Main Hall, mayoral candidates Tuesday 24 September, 7-9pm, JCC Trust Room, WCC candidates Friday 6 September, 7-9pm, JCC Main Hall, GWRC candidates Note that the time and place for the GWRC meeting has been changed from earlier information These meetings will allow you to make an assessment of the various candidates, so that you will be able to make an informed vote.
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- johnsonville
WE ARE ONE with the Hindu community
- Churton Park Community Association
- Friday 30 August, from 7 pm - 9 pm Come and join us in the fourth Multi-Faith Series event, where you can engage and begin to understand some of the core values that underpin different religions, traditions, and cultures that are represented in your community.
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- community-groups
- johnsonville
CP loosing some bus services on 19E route
- Churton Park Community Association
- Metlink have advised that some Churton Park 19E peak services will be "suspended" from 25 August because of a shortage of drivers.
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- community-groups
- johnsonville